Regeneration for Generations

Our vision is to contribute to an inter-connected, inclusive and harmonious society, which creates co-beneficial interactions with the planet and within each other.

On a mission to become good ancestors

We support building healthy collaboration in groups with people from diverse backgrounds by facilitating environments of trust and connection, equipping and offering tools and guiding towards co-creation of an own collaboration manifesto.


By encouraging the individual to connect to their personal purpose and taking the time and space to align our biorhythms we develop our collective purpose to create authentic collaboration.


We facilitate empowered communication to overcome differences, celebrate diversity and create harmonious relationships.


We aim to hold the safe integration space of your group's transformational process. For that we offer the tools for shared learning, co-creation and meaningful collaboration.

Collaboration For Collective Impact

Collaborating allows us to pool our expertise and time. It gives the team access to a combined network of stakeholders from various backgrounds. It facilitates the sharing of different perspectives and approaches in an inclusive and synergetic environment. By breaking silos and co-creating we are able to test our holistic solution on a wider sample. 

Explore 4ReGen Sessions

In our sessions you will experience:

  • Principles of permaculture in a social context to overcome your collaborative challenges.
  • Spaces that allow for connection, creativity and flow.
  • Access to innovative tools for groups and individuals.
  • Support (re-)building and (re-)claiming your own company or community culture.
  • Empowerment of the individual as well as a collective.
  • Support in creating your own collaboration manifesto.
  • Transformational learning
Regular open sessions
Group-Sessions on request
New Project (22)
Cultivate innovation

Welcoming a new paradigm of work and collaboration.

New Project (23)

Co-Creation Toolkit

We are using curated tools to discover our best collaborative synergy. By facilitating self-experiments of other collaborators and by supporting  them to find their own best methods to establish synergetic co-creation. Some of our tools are:

  • Presencing Institute – Theory of U – ULab
  • Gaia Mindfulness / Flow
  • What-if – Exercise
  • Values Deep Dive
  • Team Canvas
  • Dragon Dreaming – Karabirrdt
  • Board of Innovation
  • Rebuild – Graham Boyd
  • CXC Virtual Facilitation Toolkit